Dear patients
It won’t be long before we can open safely.
Our first appointments might be priority treatments.
We might not be able to provide all care from the start.
Due to COVID-19 outbreak, we are assisting patients remotely.
we will update you with re-opening of our dental practice. If you need assistance, please follow our emergency form
Please call us for advice.
Dear patients
It won’t be long before we can open safely.
Our first appointments might be priority treatments.
We might not be able to provide all care from the start.
Due to COVID-19 outbreak, we are assisting patients remotely.
we will update you with re-opening of our dental practice. If you need assistance, please follow our emergency form
Please call us for advice.
Dear patients
It won’t be long before we can open safely.
Our first appointments might be priority treatments.
We might not be able to provide all care from the start.
Due to COVID-19 outbreak, we are assisting patients remotely.
we will update you with re-opening of our dental practice. If you need assistance, please follow our emergency form
Please call us for advice.
Dear patients
It won’t be long before we can open safely.
Our first appointments might be priority treatments. We might not be able to provide all care from the start.
Due to COVID-19 outbreak, we are assisting patients remotely.
we will update you with re-opening of our dental practice.
At MBDENTAL / Mornington Dental Surgery, in the line with government advice on social distancing, we try to avoid unnecessary risk for our patients as well as our staff members.
The first level of support for patients with urgent dental:
If you are in pain and need urgent dental care or have any concerns regarding any dental or oral health, please do not hesitate to reach us by email or phone and we will do our very best to help
We would like to fill up the "emergency Form" as well as "medical Form" on top of this page which will be triaged. Clinician attempts to resolve the problem with AAAs: Advice-Analgesia-Antimicrobials (where appropriate) and follow up with patient as appropriate.
If triage is successful: there is no further action required
The second level of support for patients with urgent dental:
In case of unsuccessful triage unsuccessful: patient will be assets again. which means that we need you to fill up the above forms again. If your need can manage in our practice, we would arrange appointment with our dentist. Please be aware that dental treatments at this moment are limited. face-to-face consultation and treatment that should only be provided following the remote risk assessment and triage of the patient. This stage subject to availability of adequate PPE.
However, if the procedure needs AGPs (aerosol generating procedures) you may need to be asked to phones NHS 111 - referred to Dental Triage. (When delivering care, aerosol generating procedures should be avoided if possible).
Dental Triage Patient is triaged over phone, if patient meets criteria for urgent care they will be directed to appropriate service (Urgent Dental Care Hubs will triage patients again before accepting them for treatment)
PLEASE be aware that this pathway reserved only for urgent dental care.
The range of conditions provided for by local integrated UDC systems (primary care, secondary care and A&E) is likely to include, but is not limited to:
life-threatening emergencies, eg airway obstruction or breathing/swallowing difficulties due to facial swelling
trauma including facial/oral laceration and/or dentoalveolar injuries, for example avulsion of a permanent tooth
oro-facial swelling that is significant and worsening post-extraction
bleeding that the patient cannot control with local measures
dental conditions that have resulted in acute and severe systemic illness
severe dental and facial pain: that is, pain that cannot be controlled by the patient following self-help advice
fractured teeth or tooth with pulpal exposure
dental and soft tissue infections without a systemic effect
suspected oral / health and neck cancer (for referral via the 2-week suspected cancer referral pathway)
oro-dental conditions that are likely to exacerbate systemic medical conditions.
Patient pathway for NHS urgent dental treatment for London residents during the COVID-19 outbreak
Patient in pain with regular dentist
Patient in pain with no regular dentist
Patient phones practice and is triaged. Clinician attempts to resolve the problem with AAAs Advice Analgesia Antimicrobials (where appropriate) [follow up with patient as appropriate]
Triage successful: no further action required
Triage unsuccessful: patient phones NHS 111 - referred to Dental Triage
Dental Triage Patient is triaged over phone, if patient meets criteria for urgent care they will be directed to appropriate service (Urgent Dental Care Hubs below will triage patients again before accepting them for treatment)
In hours care for COVID-19 symptomatic patients at Urgent Dental Care Hub
In hours care for COVID-19 asymptomatic patients at Urgent Dental Care Hub
Out of hours care for COVID-19 asymptomatic patients at Urgent Dental Care Hub
Dental emergency Dental emergencies should be directed to A&E or via telephone to 999 as usual
Patient may contact a local practice for initial advice. The practice may choose to accept the patient for AAA triage
Patient phones NHS 111 and is then referred to Dental Triage
Patient Journey Post COVID-19
01; Pre-screening questionnaire
Please fill up our emergency form on line. In the form, please give us as much information as possible for us to be able to assist you better. please add few photo of the problematic area. We may need to call you for further information.
Clinician attempts to resolve the problem with AAAs Advice Analgesia Antimicrobials (where appropriate) [follow up with patient as appropriate]
Triage successful: no further action required
02; Digital paperwork
Medical history and consent form would be completed digitally and emailed across to the practice prior to appointment.
03; Temperature check
On arrival, body temperature would be taken and recorded
04; Hand washing
Hand must be sanitised or washed according to clinical hand washing
05; Patient PPE
Masks must be worn while waiting to go into the treatment room
06; Store personal belonging
Personal belonging must be placed in a box before entering surgery. therefore,
07; Mouthwash rinse
Upon entering mouthwash rinse might nbe given
08; Hand washing
Hand washing to take place after treatment
09; PPE
Masks must be worn before leaving the surgery
10; Contactless payment
Contactless payment where possible
11; Dispose PPER
Dispose of PPE within the clinical waste bin